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females. And in males the activity of genes responsible only for metabolism was down-regulated. In females, dioxin and toluene led to an increased defense response, oxidation-reduction processes, and proteolysis, but activity of such function as cell communication, phototranspiration and response to stimulus . In males, toluene induced up-regulation in the Gene Expression after Radiation and Pollutants metabolic control of macromolecules and circadian rhythms and down-regulation in different types of oxidation-reduction, immune response and nucleosome assembly. Dioxin led to an increasing of reproductive processes, intracellular signaling pathway, process of cell differentiation and transcription and decreasing of cellular respiration, carboxylic and metabolic processes. The influence of radiation on the females led to the activation of genes, induced by chromatin rearrangements and the genes of metabolism of macromolecules and deactivation of proteolysis, immune response and chitin metabolic process. In males radiation caused such effects as promoting different cellular processes, circadian rhythms, regulation of MedChemExpress CSP-1103 JAK-STAT cascade, developmental process in reproduction, and deactivation of immune response, metabolic and cellular processes. For each of the studied factors the most significant changes upregulated processes are regulation of the cell cycle, formation of gametes, circadian rhythms, splicing, proteolysis, and various aspects of metabolism. Repressed genes are responsible for cell respiration, cell-cell communication, and various aspects of metabolism, immune response, and response to light stimuli. The processes of cell-cell signaling and signal transduction were most depressed in females after exposure to toluene and dioxin. An analysis of the molecular pathways by KEGG showed a significant change in the processes of stress response, cell-cell signaling, and biosynthetic pathways. Remarkably, the transcriptome changes against all the studied types of stresses are similar; they involve differential regulation of a large common cluster of the genes, most of them earlier identified as related to genome maintenance or aging. Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism and retinol metabolic pathways are evident in the lists for dioxin, formaldehyde, irradiation, and toluene. The Notch signaling pathway, TFG-beta signaling pathway, proteasome, basal transcription factors, nucleotide excision repair, Jak-STAT signaling pathway, circadian rhythm, Hippo signaling pathway, mTOR signaling pathway, ribosome, mismatch repair, RNA polymerase, mRNA surveillance pathway, Hedgehog signaling pathway, caffeine metabolism, and DNA replication pathways are evident in the lists for all pathways. Interestingly, one of predicted longevity pathways of caffeine metabolism consists of only two genes and has a score of 0.5 in every pathway list. We also have PubMed ID: done mining of unique to each treatment genes and have revealed several such genes, up- and downregulated especially for toluene, dioxin, formaldehyde or low doze irradiation. The sequencing data were validated using qPCR for unique to each treatment genes with statistically valid expression 8 Gene Expression after Radiation and Pollutants level increase in both males and females. Relative mRNA level of 8 genes under different influences is represented in Discussion Our data revealed both significant similarities and differences in differential gene expression and the activity of biological processes under

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Author: Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors