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Mulae, CS film and control group on incision wound in rat skin (A) after 7d, (B) after 14d, (C) GNPs-CS/KGM treated after 3d. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066890.gBiocompatibility evaluation of GNPs-CS/KGMMice skin fibroblast L929, obtained from stomatological hospital 4EGI-1 price affiliated with Fourth military medical University, wasused to assay the cytotoxicity on the Poly (dex-GMA/AAc) nanoparticles, C75K25 film and blank NPs-CS/KGM. Poly (dexGMA/AAc) nanoparticles, C75K25 film and blank NPs-CS/ KGM were added into DMEM cell culture medium with 10Antibiotic Hemostatic First Aid Wound DressingFigure 7. Inhibitory effect against the bacteria by Disc agar diffusion. A, B, and C presented C75K25 film, Drug loaded Poly (dex-GMA/AAc) nanoparticles and GNPs-CS/KGM treated with three kinds of bacteria, respectively. (a) Staphylococcus aureus ATCC25923, (b) Escherichia coli ATCC25922, (c) Green copper pseudomonas ATCC27853. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066890.gFBS to obtain mixture of 0.1 g/mL, and extractedfor 24 h in incubator at 37uC. After applying extracts, medium was suck out and diluted using fresh DMEM medium with 10 FBS to make different concentration gradient sample solution (0.1, 0.05 and 0.01 g/mL). L929 cell suspension (1|105 /mL, 100 mL/well) was seeded in 96 well plates, and cultured in a humidified incubator at 37uC with 95 air and 5 CO2 for 24 h. Sample solution of different concentration (100 mL/well) was added separately and cultured for Lecirelin web another 1d, 3d, and 5d. The medium was 1315463 suck out and MTT (0.5 mg/ml, 20 mL/well) with medium (100 mL/well) was added in each well, then culturedfor 4 h. The medium was then discarded. Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) (150 mL) was added into each well and OD value of the solutions was measured at 490 nm using plate reader (xMark). Mean values were obtained from six wells per areas of edible films with agar surface were then measured (n = 6).In vivo wound healing experimentsThis study was conducted in accordance with Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (250?00 g) were used for the study. They were anesthetized with an intraperitoneal injection of pentobarbital (50 mg/kg, Jinan Haohua Industry Co., Ltd). The rat’s femoral vein was exposed and cut with scissors. Poly (dex-GMA/AAc) nanoparticles, C75K25 film, native CS film and GNPs-CS/KGM were applied to the area of hemorrhage, separately, and firm pressure was applied. In order to ensure that the dressings was tightly adhered to wound area, analytical weights of 50 g was used on the dressing to give a certain pressure. At the meanwhile, timers was started and ended until bleeding was stopped. Spilled blood was suck up using gauze after weighing, and blood loss was calculated by gauze and sample mass difference before and after bleeding. Yunnan baiyao powder was chosen as positive control and gauze to cover hemostatic as negative control. Hemostatic performance was evaluated by blood loss and hemostatic time. (n = 6). Rats were randomly divided into 2 groups and anesthetized with ethyl ether. A1.5 cm-wide wound was cut with scissors on the back of each shaved rat down to the fascia layer. One group was dressed with GNPs-CS/KGM and the other group was dressed with gauze as control. Wound closure observation was assessed by digital camera in the day 3, 7 and 14. The wound closure rate was calculated using the same equation as mentioned above. In addition, the wounds and the surrounding skin of postoperative for day.Mulae, CS film and control group on incision wound in rat skin (A) after 7d, (B) after 14d, (C) GNPs-CS/KGM treated after 3d. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066890.gBiocompatibility evaluation of GNPs-CS/KGMMice skin fibroblast L929, obtained from stomatological hospital affiliated with Fourth military medical University, wasused to assay the cytotoxicity on the Poly (dex-GMA/AAc) nanoparticles, C75K25 film and blank NPs-CS/KGM. Poly (dexGMA/AAc) nanoparticles, C75K25 film and blank NPs-CS/ KGM were added into DMEM cell culture medium with 10Antibiotic Hemostatic First Aid Wound DressingFigure 7. Inhibitory effect against the bacteria by Disc agar diffusion. A, B, and C presented C75K25 film, Drug loaded Poly (dex-GMA/AAc) nanoparticles and GNPs-CS/KGM treated with three kinds of bacteria, respectively. (a) Staphylococcus aureus ATCC25923, (b) Escherichia coli ATCC25922, (c) Green copper pseudomonas ATCC27853. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066890.gFBS to obtain mixture of 0.1 g/mL, and extractedfor 24 h in incubator at 37uC. After applying extracts, medium was suck out and diluted using fresh DMEM medium with 10 FBS to make different concentration gradient sample solution (0.1, 0.05 and 0.01 g/mL). L929 cell suspension (1|105 /mL, 100 mL/well) was seeded in 96 well plates, and cultured in a humidified incubator at 37uC with 95 air and 5 CO2 for 24 h. Sample solution of different concentration (100 mL/well) was added separately and cultured for another 1d, 3d, and 5d. The medium was 1315463 suck out and MTT (0.5 mg/ml, 20 mL/well) with medium (100 mL/well) was added in each well, then culturedfor 4 h. The medium was then discarded. Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) (150 mL) was added into each well and OD value of the solutions was measured at 490 nm using plate reader (xMark). Mean values were obtained from six wells per areas of edible films with agar surface were then measured (n = 6).In vivo wound healing experimentsThis study was conducted in accordance with Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (250?00 g) were used for the study. They were anesthetized with an intraperitoneal injection of pentobarbital (50 mg/kg, Jinan Haohua Industry Co., Ltd). The rat’s femoral vein was exposed and cut with scissors. Poly (dex-GMA/AAc) nanoparticles, C75K25 film, native CS film and GNPs-CS/KGM were applied to the area of hemorrhage, separately, and firm pressure was applied. In order to ensure that the dressings was tightly adhered to wound area, analytical weights of 50 g was used on the dressing to give a certain pressure. At the meanwhile, timers was started and ended until bleeding was stopped. Spilled blood was suck up using gauze after weighing, and blood loss was calculated by gauze and sample mass difference before and after bleeding. Yunnan baiyao powder was chosen as positive control and gauze to cover hemostatic as negative control. Hemostatic performance was evaluated by blood loss and hemostatic time. (n = 6). Rats were randomly divided into 2 groups and anesthetized with ethyl ether. A1.5 cm-wide wound was cut with scissors on the back of each shaved rat down to the fascia layer. One group was dressed with GNPs-CS/KGM and the other group was dressed with gauze as control. Wound closure observation was assessed by digital camera in the day 3, 7 and 14. The wound closure rate was calculated using the same equation as mentioned above. In addition, the wounds and the surrounding skin of postoperative for day.

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Author: Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors