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Product: AP21364BT-NACPP / Prostatic acid phosphatase antibody
Quantity: 1 ml
Synonyms: ACP3, PAP, PSAP, Prostate acid phosphatase
Presentation: Biotin
Clonality: Polyclonal
Host: Rabbit
Isotype: IgG
CAS NO: 937039-45-7 Product: Pimelic Diphenylamide 106
Shipping to: Worldwide
Immunogen: Acid Phosphatase isolated and purified from Human seminal plasma.Freunds complete adjuvant is used in the first step of the immunization procedure.GeneID:55
Application: This product is intended for use in precipitating and non-precipitating antibody-binding assays (such as e.g., ELISA and Western blotting and Immunofluorescence or Histochemical techniques).Working dilutions in non-precipitating antibody-binding technique
Background: Prostatic acid phosphatase is one of the two antigenic markers of prostatic carcinoma, the other being prostate specific antigen. It belongs to the kallikrein family of serine proteases and is suggested to act as a hydrolase to split phospharyl choline in
Concentration: 10.0 mg/ml
Storage: Store lyophilized at 2-8°C for 6 months or at -20°C long term.After reconstitution store the antibody undiluted at 2-8°C for one month or (in aliquots) at -20°C long term.Avoid repeated freezing and thawing. Shelf life: one year from despatch.
Buffer System: PBS, pH 7.2 without preservatives and foreign proteins.
State: Lyophilized hyperimmune IgG fraction.
Specifictiy: Acid Phosphatase from Human seminal plasma.The reagents were evaluated for potency, purity and specificity using most or all of the following techniques: Immunoelectrophoresis, Cross-Immunoelectrophoresis, single Radial Immunodiffusion (Ouchterlony), bloc

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Author: Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors