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Product: R1045Acid Phosphatase antibody
Quantity: 2 ml
Synonyms: PAP1, Purple acid phosphatase 1
Presentation: Serum
Clonality: Polyclonal
Host: Rabbit
CAS NO: 1800401-93-7 Product: ATP-polyamine-biotin
Shipping to: Worldwide
Immunogen: Acid Phosphatase [Potato].
Application: Suitable for Immunoblotting (1/600-1/3,000, Western or dot blot), ELISA (1/6,000-1/30,000), Immunoprecipitation and most immunological methods requiring high titer and specificity.
Concentration: 90.0 mg/ml (by Refractometry)
Storage: Store vial at 2-8°C prior to restoration. Centrifuge product if not completely clear after standing at room temperature. This product is stable for one month at 2-8°C as an undiluted liquid.For extended storage reconstitute product with 50% glycerol inste
Buffer System: 0.02 M Potassium Phosphate, 0.15 M Sodium Chloride, pH 7.2 with 0.01% sodium azide as preservative.
State: Lyophilized purified Ig fraction.Serum
Specifictiy: Assay by immunoelectrophoresis resulted in a single precipitin arc against purified and partially purified Acid Phosphatase [Potato].Cross reactivity against Acid Phosphatase from other tissues and species may occur but have not been specifically determin

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Author: Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors