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Product: TA352063Acetylcholine receptor gamma subunit antibody
Quantity: 500 µl
Synonyms: ACHRG, CHRNG
Presentation: Purified
Clonality: Monoclonal
Host: Rat
Isotype: IgG2a
CAS NO: 115338-32-4 Product: NAN-190 (hydrobromide)
Shipping to: Europe, USA/Canada
Immunogen: This antibody was generated in rats against purified bovine muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChRs).GeneID:1146
Application: WBIFIP
Background: Nicotinic receptors are comprised of pentamers of 290 kD subunits, arranged symmetrically around a central pore. Each subunit contains four transmembrane domains with both the N- and C-terminus located extracellularly. The alpha-7 nicotinic receptor, also
Buffer System:
State: Purified

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Author: Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors