Ution are rather low and many would prefer treatment outside the country when there is a need for such treatment overtreatment in the country. The health care workers are the first source of education and raising of awareness of any health procedures among the populace. The low level of this group of people therefore attests to the possible lower level still among the populace. Despite the rapid progress that has occurred in the field of plastic surgery, a large portion of the population is still unaware of the specialty. Therefore, they may not be taking advantage of the optimal care that is already available. If patients are to receive the best treatment available, it is essential to institute programs to educate healthcare consumers and providers about plastic surgery and its different subspecialties, especially the cosmetic procedures and their role within the healthcare system.Appendix Questionnaire: Awareness and EPZ004777 web attitude of Health Workers to Cosmetic Surgery in Osogbo, NigeriaThis questionnaire was designed to obtain information concerning your awareness and attitude concerning cosmetic surgery. Please note that your participation is voluntary and that the information given will be treated as confidential and anonymous. Please sign below if you understand the details information given about the study and you are willing to participate in the study. Section 1: Sociodemographic Factors (1) Age . . . (2) Sex: [ ] MaleSurgery Research and Practice [ ] Female (3) Occupational Status: [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] Medical Student ] Nursing Student ] Medical Lab Scientist ] Doctor ] Nurse ] Administrative ] Pharmacist ] Ward Maid [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] breast reduction ] Mastopexy ] Rhinoplasty ] Face lift ] Blepharoplasty ] Liposuction ] Abdominoplasty ] Cleft Surgery(10) Do you know if cosmetic surgery is done in Nigeria? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not sure (11) If yes, which one(s) is/are done in Nigeria? [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] Breast Augmentation ] Breast Reduction ] Mastopexy ] Rhinoplasty ] Face lift ] Blepharoplasty ] Liposuction ] Abdominoplasty ] Cleft Surgery(4) Religious Background [ ] Christianity [ ] Islam [ ] Traditional Section 2: Knowledge and Awareness about Cosmetic Surgery. Tick an appropriate response from the following, that is, “yes”, “no”, or “not sure”, except where other options are given: (5) Are you aware of cosmetic surgery? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not sure (6) If (6) is yes, which of the following informed you? [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] Tv. ] radio ] friend ] posters ] medical consultation ] medical text book ] internet(12) What do you think is the price range for cosmetic surgery in Nigeria? [ [ [ [ ] 10,000?0,000 ] 25,000?0,000 ] 50,000?00,000 ] >100,(7) Did you consider the information reliable? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not sure (8) Which of the following do you think do cosmetic surgery? [ [ [ [ [ ] general surgeon ] Maxillofacial surgeon ] plastic surgeon ] Orthopaedic surgeon ] Urology(13) Do you have any relative or friend who has undergone cosmetic surgery before? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not sure (14) If yes, which type of cosmetic surgery? [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] Breast Augmentation ] Breast Reduction ] Mastopexy ] Rhinoplasty ] Face lift ] Blepharoplasty ] Liposuction ] Abdominoplasty ] Cleft Surgery(9) Which of the following Cosmetic Surgery are you aware of? [ ] breast DM-3189 price augmentation6 (15) Do you know of any risk associated with Cosmetic surgeries? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not sure (16) If yes, which kind of risk are you aware of? [ [ [ [ [ ] Deformation of bod.Ution are rather low and many would prefer treatment outside the country when there is a need for such treatment overtreatment in the country. The health care workers are the first source of education and raising of awareness of any health procedures among the populace. The low level of this group of people therefore attests to the possible lower level still among the populace. Despite the rapid progress that has occurred in the field of plastic surgery, a large portion of the population is still unaware of the specialty. Therefore, they may not be taking advantage of the optimal care that is already available. If patients are to receive the best treatment available, it is essential to institute programs to educate healthcare consumers and providers about plastic surgery and its different subspecialties, especially the cosmetic procedures and their role within the healthcare system.Appendix Questionnaire: Awareness and Attitude of Health Workers to Cosmetic Surgery in Osogbo, NigeriaThis questionnaire was designed to obtain information concerning your awareness and attitude concerning cosmetic surgery. Please note that your participation is voluntary and that the information given will be treated as confidential and anonymous. Please sign below if you understand the details information given about the study and you are willing to participate in the study. Section 1: Sociodemographic Factors (1) Age . . . (2) Sex: [ ] MaleSurgery Research and Practice [ ] Female (3) Occupational Status: [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] Medical Student ] Nursing Student ] Medical Lab Scientist ] Doctor ] Nurse ] Administrative ] Pharmacist ] Ward Maid [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] breast reduction ] Mastopexy ] Rhinoplasty ] Face lift ] Blepharoplasty ] Liposuction ] Abdominoplasty ] Cleft Surgery(10) Do you know if cosmetic surgery is done in Nigeria? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not sure (11) If yes, which one(s) is/are done in Nigeria? [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] Breast Augmentation ] Breast Reduction ] Mastopexy ] Rhinoplasty ] Face lift ] Blepharoplasty ] Liposuction ] Abdominoplasty ] Cleft Surgery(4) Religious Background [ ] Christianity [ ] Islam [ ] Traditional Section 2: Knowledge and Awareness about Cosmetic Surgery. Tick an appropriate response from the following, that is, “yes”, “no”, or “not sure”, except where other options are given: (5) Are you aware of cosmetic surgery? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not sure (6) If (6) is yes, which of the following informed you? [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] Tv. ] radio ] friend ] posters ] medical consultation ] medical text book ] internet(12) What do you think is the price range for cosmetic surgery in Nigeria? [ [ [ [ ] 10,000?0,000 ] 25,000?0,000 ] 50,000?00,000 ] >100,(7) Did you consider the information reliable? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not sure (8) Which of the following do you think do cosmetic surgery? [ [ [ [ [ ] general surgeon ] Maxillofacial surgeon ] plastic surgeon ] Orthopaedic surgeon ] Urology(13) Do you have any relative or friend who has undergone cosmetic surgery before? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not sure (14) If yes, which type of cosmetic surgery? [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] Breast Augmentation ] Breast Reduction ] Mastopexy ] Rhinoplasty ] Face lift ] Blepharoplasty ] Liposuction ] Abdominoplasty ] Cleft Surgery(9) Which of the following Cosmetic Surgery are you aware of? [ ] breast augmentation6 (15) Do you know of any risk associated with Cosmetic surgeries? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not sure (16) If yes, which kind of risk are you aware of? [ [ [ [ [ ] Deformation of bod.