And removing ambiguous data from the final analysis is suggested to focus the study into a more reliable analysis with stable results for future use of this instrument. Multiple regression with bootstrapping is also suggested to further predict patients’ intention to adopt pharmacy value-added services. The details of composite scoring and bootstraping are out of the scope of this paper. This we leave to future research. Limitations Randomization was not possible because electronic central database storing information of all patients who visit the facilities does not exist. The study can be further tested using a more diverse ethnic mix, both urban and rural settings as well as other states in Malaysia. However, this study is probably the first to establish reliability for the Malay version of PVASQ in this country. This contributes to the very first reliable fpsyg.2014.00726 and valid tool in measuring the intention to use pharmacy value-added services among Malaysian patients. CONCLUSIONS The results show that the PVASQ (Malay version) has good reliability and validity for assessingpharmacy value-added services adoption in Malaysia. The findings of this study therefore support the use of PVASQ in social pharmacy typically in Malaysian public health systems. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank the Director of Health Malaysia for permission to publish this paper. The authors would also like to express gratitude to all participants for their contribution and to all pharmacists in public pharmacy departments in Seremban state for their assistance. The authors would like to thank Mr Mohamad Adam Bujang from National Clinical Research Centre, Ministry of Health Malaysia, Malaysia for his useful advice. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest pnas.1408988111 with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. The usual disclaimer applies. Funding: The study is a part of the corresponding author’s Master thesis in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, Universiti Sains Malaysia. The study scholarship is funded by Ministry of Health Malaysia. DESARROLLO, CONFIABILIDAD TEST-RETEST Y VALIDEZ DEL PHARMACY VALUE-ADDED SERVICES QUESTIONNAIRE (PVASQ)RESUMENObjetivo: (i) Desarrollar el Pharmacy Value-Added Services Questionnaire (PVASQ) utilizando temas salidos de entrevistas, (ii) establecer la fiabilidad y validez del cuestionario. M odos: Utilizando la Teor del Comportamiento Planeado aumentada como modelo te ico, unas entrevistas HS-173 web presenciales extrajeron los creencias sobre los servicios farmac ticos de valor a dido. Se construy?el PVASQ inicialmente en Ingles incorporando temas importantes y m tarde se tradujo al malayo, con traducci y retro-traducci . La Intenci (INT) de adoptar servicio farmac ticos de valor a dido se predice por las Actitudes (ATT), Normal Subjetiva (SN), Control Comportamental Percibido (PBC), Conocimiento y Expectativas. Usando una escala de Likert de 7 puntos y una escala dicot ica se evalu?la fiabilidad test-retest (N=25) administrando el Naramycin A solubility cuestionario dos veces en el intervalo de una semana. La consistencia interna se midi?con el alfa de Cronbach y la validez de constructo entre dos administradores se evalu?con el estad tico kappa y el coeficiente intra-clase (ICC). Se realiz?un an isis factorial confirmatorio (CFA) (N=410) para evaluar la validad de constructo del PVASQ. Resultados: Los coeficientes kappa indicaron una fuerza de acuerdo moderada a casi perfecta en el test-retest.And removing ambiguous data from the final analysis is suggested to focus the study into a more reliable analysis with stable results for future use of this instrument. Multiple regression with bootstrapping is also suggested to further predict patients’ intention to adopt pharmacy value-added services. The details of composite scoring and bootstraping are out of the scope of this paper. This we leave to future research. Limitations Randomization was not possible because electronic central database storing information of all patients who visit the facilities does not exist. The study can be further tested using a more diverse ethnic mix, both urban and rural settings as well as other states in Malaysia. However, this study is probably the first to establish reliability for the Malay version of PVASQ in this country. This contributes to the very first reliable fpsyg.2014.00726 and valid tool in measuring the intention to use pharmacy value-added services among Malaysian patients. CONCLUSIONS The results show that the PVASQ (Malay version) has good reliability and validity for assessingpharmacy value-added services adoption in Malaysia. The findings of this study therefore support the use of PVASQ in social pharmacy typically in Malaysian public health systems. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank the Director of Health Malaysia for permission to publish this paper. The authors would also like to express gratitude to all participants for their contribution and to all pharmacists in public pharmacy departments in Seremban state for their assistance. The authors would like to thank Mr Mohamad Adam Bujang from National Clinical Research Centre, Ministry of Health Malaysia, Malaysia for his useful advice. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest pnas.1408988111 with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. The usual disclaimer applies. Funding: The study is a part of the corresponding author’s Master thesis in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, Universiti Sains Malaysia. The study scholarship is funded by Ministry of Health Malaysia. DESARROLLO, CONFIABILIDAD TEST-RETEST Y VALIDEZ DEL PHARMACY VALUE-ADDED SERVICES QUESTIONNAIRE (PVASQ)RESUMENObjetivo: (i) Desarrollar el Pharmacy Value-Added Services Questionnaire (PVASQ) utilizando temas salidos de entrevistas, (ii) establecer la fiabilidad y validez del cuestionario. M odos: Utilizando la Teor del Comportamiento Planeado aumentada como modelo te ico, unas entrevistas presenciales extrajeron los creencias sobre los servicios farmac ticos de valor a dido. Se construy?el PVASQ inicialmente en Ingles incorporando temas importantes y m tarde se tradujo al malayo, con traducci y retro-traducci . La Intenci (INT) de adoptar servicio farmac ticos de valor a dido se predice por las Actitudes (ATT), Normal Subjetiva (SN), Control Comportamental Percibido (PBC), Conocimiento y Expectativas. Usando una escala de Likert de 7 puntos y una escala dicot ica se evalu?la fiabilidad test-retest (N=25) administrando el cuestionario dos veces en el intervalo de una semana. La consistencia interna se midi?con el alfa de Cronbach y la validez de constructo entre dos administradores se evalu?con el estad tico kappa y el coeficiente intra-clase (ICC). Se realiz?un an isis factorial confirmatorio (CFA) (N=410) para evaluar la validad de constructo del PVASQ. Resultados: Los coeficientes kappa indicaron una fuerza de acuerdo moderada a casi perfecta en el test-retest.