Sults from application to both the yeast and human genomes are
Sults from application to both the yeast and human genomes are AZD4547 structure available on our website[30]. The SPIDER machine learning toolbox [210] in Matlab was used to select parameters and train the SVMs. The toolbox is an interface to several SVM optimizers written in other computer languages. Within this toolbox we have used the Andre [210] optimizer when training sets contained under 400 genes, and the “Libsvm [211] optimizer otherwise since it is faster on large training sets. Training an SVM involves setting a parameter C, which adjusts tolerance for misclassifications against the size “safety margin” about the separating hyperplane within which all classifications are considered to be in error. The classifier for the MYC transcription factor was used as the prototype for parameter selection. Five-fold cross validation was used to measure the performance of several values of C, and the value resulting in lowest classifier error was chosen for subsequent use in all classifiers. Tested values of C include: [2-7, 2-5, 2-3, 2-1, 1, 1.5, 2, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26]. The value 2-7 was selected [210] as having the best performance of all tested values. Initial experiments showed little change in the chosen value of C if other TFs were used to optimize the value. In principle, the choice of C and the type of SVM (linear vs. non-linear) could be specifically selected for PubMed ID: each classifier, but this would become quite expensive computationally. The linear SVM was used in this study since previous studies in yeast have shown the linear version to be superior on the datasets used here. Preliminary results with human TFs (not shown) also indicated the linear SVM performs better than some common non-linear versions. Choosing negatives for classifier construction is difficult since there is no defined set of genes known not to be targets. For every TF, a set of negatives is chosen randomly to be equal in size to the positive set. 100 classifiers are made in this way using different randomly selected negative sets, effectively smoothing out the negative background, from which the positive examples can stand out better. All 100 classifiers are tested using cross-validation, and the final performance measurements (accuracy, PPV, etc) are averaged over all trials. This is similar to the training set selection performed in [212]; however, their goal was not to predict new targets of transcription factors, but to filter existing target sets. Leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) is the recommended procedure used for small sample classifiers and is applied for 141 of the 153 TFs in this study. For larger training sets LOOCV becomes computationally expensive and so a 5-Fold cross-validation (5CV) is used on all training sets with more than 100 genes (12 TFs fit this criteria). Because a single 5-Fold validation may not be as accurate as LOOCV, it is repeated 10 times for different random splits of the training set. ForMethodsSVM training and validation SVM [208] is one of a number of binary decision processes for classifying objects based on their properties. In this paper the objects are genes which either are (positive set) or are not (negative set) targets of a particular regulator. Each gene is represented by a set of variables from which the SVM will learn a decision rule. We have previously applied machine learning to regulatory analysisPage 13 of(page number not for citation purposes)Biology Direct 2008, 3: TFs with ve.