H spiking in these neurons didn’t show adaptation through the recording time, we refer to them as USAMEN since each and every sensor will adapt sooner or later in time.Another population of myenteric neurons responsive to compression was described by John Furness and colleagues.They identified myenteric neurons with particular electrophysiological and morphological properties in the guinea pig ileum named intrinsic major afferent neurons (IPANs).IPANs have been mainly multipolar neurons with a slow afterspike hyperpolarization (AH; Furness et al).To test mechanosensitivity a von Frey hair was made use of to stimulate soma or neurites of AHIPANs (Kunze et al).AHIPANs in guinea pig and mouse ileum fired soma action potentials when the neurites have been probed (Kunze et al Mao et al).The response to this compressive force was direct and independent of muscle tension.The authors did not specify the adaptation behavior but we conclude in the traces in the above cited papers that the spike discharge was in some rapidly and in other people gradually adapting.In guinea pig and mouse ileum the responses to compression were independent of muscle tone simply because they persisted within the presence of muscle relaxants.Interestingly, AHIPANs stopped firing when the soma was distorted by pressing down the recording electrode or by raising intraelectrode pressure (Kunze et al).So far inhibition of firing in Males as a consequence of soma distortion has not been reported in other research and the functional significance remains to become demonstrated.Originally, AHIPANs have been described as stretchsensitive neurons inside the guinea pig ileum since they responded with ongoing spike discharge to sustained circumferential stretch above slack (Kunze et al ,).This response having said that disappeared after the muscle was paralyzed, which argues in favor of a rather indirect effect because the neurons needed an improved muscle tone to respond to tissue stretch.This suggests that these neurons actually respond towards the compressive forces when muscle tone elevated inside a distended gut as an alternative to to tensile forces.Having said that, the various firing pattern of AHIPANs soon after compression by von Frey hair probing (rather quickly adapting) and circumferential stretch inside a tissue with muscle tone (rather slowly adapting) remains a puzzle.Alterations in strength and duration of compressive force are most likely to have an effect on adaptation.We observed this behavior in some compressionsensitive RAMEN which fired for longer periods when the stimulus strength was increased regardless of the nevertheless larger spike burst frequency in the beginning in the stimulus.Our group has presented the very first systematic study on compressionsensitive Males in guinea pig stomach, ileum and colon, mouse ileum and colon, and human intestine (Mazzuoli and Schemann, , Schemann and Mazzuoli,Kugler et al MazzuoliWeber and Schemann, in assessment; Figure).As a tert-Butylhydroquinone Data Sheet classical tool to induce PubMed ID:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21516365 compression we made use of von Frey hairs (Movie).The disadvantage of von Frey hairs was that we found it not possible to place the probe exactly onto exactly the same spot right after retraction.By opportunity we discovered that application of compressive forces onto enteric neurons is often achieved by intraganglionic injection of compact volumes of fluid into a ganglion.The responses of Males were identical in between compression evoked by von Frey hair and intraganglionic volume injection (Mazzuoli and Schemann, ).The intraganglionic volume injection had the good advantage of evoking reproducible responses.Compressionsensitive Males in o.