Tified them depending on the coloration of fins and counting scales
Tified them depending on the coloration of fins and counting scales utilizing BC. Furthermore, the BC was useful for observing largesized elasmobranch fishes, such as Pseudotriakis microdon (Pseudotriakidae) and Hexanchus griseus (Hexanchidae), which can escape in the sounds, lights, and/or vibrations of ROVs and AUVs. Our final results indicate the efficiency of combining the 3 approaches for faunal surveys of seamount fishes. While a sizable variety of fascinating fish species have been observed throughout the expedition, we could gather specimens of only six species, and numerous species have been only identified at the household or genus level. To resolve this challenge, the innovation or creation of more procedures that focus on collecting specimens in deep-sea environments are strongly needed to determine fishes in the species level and to attain a improved understanding in the biodiversity of deep-sea fish communities on seamounts. Lastly, the distribution of quite a few one of a kind and/or uncommon fishes, which includes that of several potentially undescribed species, were observed from the seamounts within the MPAs on the IBM arc program, as well as the species compositions had been well-differentiated in between the seamounts (specifically ridges) and depths. These final results confirm the one of a kind, crucial, and rich biodiversity with the seamounts in Japanese MPAs. Nonetheless, continuous biodiversity surveys are necessary to verify the outcomes of your efforts to save these MPAs.J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2021, 9,19 ofAuthor Contributions: Conceptualization, K.K. and Y.F.; methodology, S.T. (Soutarou Takashima), S.T. (Shinji Tsuchida), Y.F.; formal analysis, K.K. and T.Y.; investigation, K.K., S.T. (Soutarou Takashima), T.Y., S.T. (Shinji Tsuchida) and Y.F.; writing–original draft preparation, K.K.; writing–review and editing, Y.F.; project administration, Y.F. All authors have read and agreed to the published version on the manuscript. Funding: This study cruise was partly funded by the Atmosphere Analysis and Technology Improvement Fund (JPMEERF20S20700) of your Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency of Japan and an MPA monitoring project outsourced by the Ministry on the Atmosphere of Japan. This study was funded in component by JSPS Scaffold Library Container KAKENHI 21K06313 JP plus the Sasakawa Scientific Research Grant from the Japan Science Society for the initial author. Institutional Evaluation Board Statement: Not applicable. Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable. Information Availability Statement: Restrictions apply to the availability of those information. Information for the present paper are owned by JAMSTEC as well as the Ministry in the Atmosphere of Japan, and requests for access for the raw acoustic data is usually submitted to [email protected] (YF). Acknowledgments: We are LY294002 Description especially grateful to K. Fujikura, Tetsuji Maki, and other members of JAMSTEC who supported the study cruise of R/V Kaimei. We thank the captain and crew with the R/V Kaimei along with the operation team of KM-ROV for ship operations and for conducting the diving research and sampling. We also thank N. Jimi (Nagoya University) as well as other researchers and employees involved within the investigation survey onboard the R/V Kaimei. We appreciate K. Matsuura (previously the National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo), M. Aizawa (University of Tokyo), H. Endo (Kochi University), H. Hata (National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo), M. Sato (Kyoto University), H. Wada (Kanagawa Prefectural Museum) for supplying assistance for species identification. Conflicts of Interest: The authors.