nrelated to Bt-resistance coding genes (FigureBt-resistance linked gene was less than 100 kb up- or downstream from the lncRNA (FGFR Compound Figure 4A ). The proximal CYP was 7.868 kb from lncRNA LOC11350610 (this lncRNA was upregulated) (Figure 4A), the proximal ABC transporter 50.672 kb from lncRNA LOC110369725 (this lncRNA was downregulated) (Figure 4B), plus the JNK1 supplier serine protease 0.646 kb from lncRNA LOC110382674 (this lncRNA was discovered only in the resistant strain) (Figure 4C). The lncRNA presented in Figure 4D was downregulated, along with the lncRNA presented in Figure 4E was identified only in the susceptible strain.Insects 2022, 13,(Figure 4E). Every single proximal Bt-resistance related gene was less than 100 kb up- or downstream from the lncRNA (Figure 4A ). The proximal CYP was 7.868 kb from lncRNA LOC11350610 (this lncRNA was upregulated) (Figure 4A), the proximal ABC transporter 50.672 kb from lncRNA LOC110369725 downstream was downregulated) resistance related gene was less than 100 kb up- or (this lncRNAfrom the lncRNA (Fig(Figure 4B), plus the serine protease 0.646 from lncRNA LOC11350610 (this lncRNA was ure 4A ). The proximal CYP was 7.868 kbkb from lncRNA LOC110382674 (this lncRNA of 18 was located only within the resistant proximal ABC transporter 50.672 kb in Figure9 4D upregulated) (Figure 4A), the strain) (Figure 4C). The lncRNA presentedfrom lncRNA was downregulated,lncRNA was downregulated)in Figure4B), along with the serine protease plus the lncRNA presented (Figure 4E was discovered only inside the LOC110369725 (this susceptible strain. 0.646 kb from lncRNA LOC110382674 (this lncRNA was discovered only inside the resistant strain) (Figure 4C). The lncRNA presented in Figure 4D was downregulated, and the lncRNA presented in Figure 4E was discovered only in the susceptible strain.Figure 3. Workflow for identifying statistically differentiated lncRNAs coding genes in toto and Figure 3. Workflow for identifying statistically in Bt-resistance lncRNAs proximal in toto and those Figure with functions known to possess a function differentiated lncRNAsare coding genesstatistically these three. Workflow for identifying statistically differentiated that coding genes to in toto and with with functions identified to possess ain Bt-resistance which are proximal size to statistically differendifferentiated known to possess a part part in Bt-resistance which are proximal of your scaffolds, even these functions lncRNAs. Proximity measurements have been limited by theto statistically differentiated lncRNAs. Proximity measurements million base by thecis as well as the scaffolds,scaffolds, despite the fact that though proximity is defined as 1 have been restricted pairs by of size from although proximity tiated lncRNAs. Proximity measurements had been limitedsize the trans in the the lncRNA. For every proximal as 1 million and lncRNA, a BLASTn alignment was lncRNA. For each coding gene and proximity is defined as base pairsbase pairs cis and trans lncRNA. also each proximalproximal coding is defined coding gene 1 million cis and trans from the in the For conducted to assess potential pseudogenes. gene and lncRNA, a alignment was also conducted to assess possible possible pseudogenes. lncRNA, a BLASTn BLASTn alignment was also conducted to assess pseudogenes.(A)Figure four. Cont.Insects 2022, 13, 12 Insects 2022, 1, x10 of 18 10 of(B)(C)Figure four. Cont.Insects 2022, 13, 12 Insects 2022, 1, x11 of 18 11 of(D)(E)Figure four. Genomic scaffold for lncRNAs and identification of proximal protein-coding genes. The Figure four. Genomic scaffold for lncRNAs and id