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30 ), sunflower (five ) Tall oil Vegetable oil Soybean (60 ), rapeseed (30 ), sunflower (5 ) Tall oil Tall
30 ), sunflower (five ) Tall oil Vegetable oil Soybean (60 ), rapeseed (30 ), sunflower (5 ) Tall oil Tall oil, rapeseed oil Soybean oil Sitostanol (60 ), campestanol (40 ) Wood Wood Rice bran oil Sheanut oil Soybean oil Soybean oil Sitostanol (76 ), campestanol (23 ) Vegetable oil WoodTABLE 1 (Continued )Matrix 1 1 1 1 1 NR 1 1 1 2 NR 1 1 2/3 1 1 two 2 two 2 NR NR two 1 2 three three two two NR2 2Design NR NR D D NR NR w/ meal L B w/ meal NR L w/o meal B+L+D L w/o meal B+L B+L NR w/ meal NR NR L+D L w/o meal B+L+D B+L+D B+D NR w/ or as a meal NR w/ or as a meal B+L+D eight.9 4 two.4 11 8 17 High High Bdln higher ,50 .50 ,50 Sterol esters Stanols No cost sterols + stanols Vegetable oil Soybean oil Vegetable oil 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.five 0.five 3.4 1 1.six 2 two ,2 2.eight 2.8 three 3.two three.two 1.2 1.six two two two 2 1.five 2.7 1.five 1.eight 1.8 two three.2 two.four 12SC 2 SC 11 2 eight NS 2 SC 15 two ten 2 four 2 10 two 10 two six 2 9 two 9 2 five 2 14 2 ten 2 7 two 7 2 10 two eight 2 7 two 11 2 11 two 15 two 15 two 6 2 10 2 9 two 9 two 15 two 14 Bdln high Bdln high Bdln high Bdln high Bdln high Bdln higher Bdln higher Bdln high Close to optimal Higher Bdln higher Bdln high Bdln high Near optimal Bdln high Bdln higher Higher Higher Higher High Bdln high Bdln higher High Bdln high Higher High Bdln high Bdln high Optimal Higher one hundred 100 one hundred one hundred 100 .50 .50 NR .50 .50 ,50 ,50 ,50 ,50 ,50 ,50 ,50 ,50 ,50 .50 ,50 ,50 .50 one hundred ,50 .50 .50 ,50 ,50 .50 Sterol esters Sterol esters Totally free sterols ATR list Absolutely free sterols Sterol esters Free sterols Cost-free sterols Free sterols Stanol esters Free of charge sterols Totally free sterol Sterol esters Sterol esters Stanol esters Sterol esters Sterol esters Cost-free sterols Totally free sterols Sterol esters Sterol esters Absolutely free sterols Free of charge sterols Cost-free sterols Sterol esters Sterol esters Absolutely free sterols Cost-free sterols No cost sterols Sterol esters Sterol esters Soybean oil Soybean oil Soybean oil Soybean oil Soybean oil Sitostanol Soybean oil Tall oil Soybean oil Soybean oil Pine tree oil Tall oil Tall oil Vegetable oils Tall oil Tall oil Vegetable oil Vegetable oil Vegetable oil Vegetable oil Pine tree oil Pine tree oil Soybean oil Soybean oil Soybean oil Tall oil Tall oil Vegetable oils Soybean oil Soybean oil636 Cusack et al. Times/d B/L/D PS g/d dose Baseline LDL-c Sex Type PS PS plant source Caspase 6 Compound reported LDL-c Reference (47) a (47) b (48) a (48) b (47) c (50) (54) a (51) a (52) (54) b (59) a (55) c (55) d (53) (55) a (55) b (35) a (35) b (57) a (58) a (59) b (59) c (60) (62) (63) (64) a (64) b (65) (67) (66) a (57) c (66) b (68) two NR4-wk parallel 4-wk parallel 2-wk crossover 2-wk crossover 4-wk parallel 6-wk parallel 4-wk crossover 6-wk parallel 4-wk parallel 8-wk parallel 6-wk parallel 4-wk parallel 4-wk parallel 4-wk parallel 4-wk parallel 4-wk parallel 4-wk crossover 4-wk crossover 3-wk crossover 12-wk parallel 6-wk parallel 6-wk parallel 4-wk crossover 4-wk parallel 6-wk parallel 3-wk crossover 3-wk crossover 8-wk parallel 8-wk parallel 4-wk crossover3-wk crossover 4-wk crossoverMayonnaise Mayonnaise Mayonnaise Mayonnaise Mayonnaise Mayonnaise Yogurt Yogurt Yogurt Yogurt Yogurt Yogurt Yogurt Yogurt Yogurt Yogurt Milk Milk Milk Milk Cheese Cheese Tortilla chips Meat Chocolate bars Juice/drinks Juice/drinks Juice/drinks Croissants + muffins Cereal + bread + margarine Milk + margarine Cereal + bread + margarine Margarine + oat drink10-wk parallelIncluded research have been published in between the years 1998 and 2011 and only utilized participants devoid of non-lipid illness states (i.e., diabetes). Studies had been labeled using a lowercase letter after the reference quantity if they reported LDL-c modifications for several time points,.

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Author: Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors