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classified into writers, readers, and erasers, depending on whether they add an 2883-98-9 site epigenetic mark, are recruited by a particular mark, or remove a mark. Research in this area has also started to examine certain transcription factors that impact these epigenetic writers or readers, for instance the RE1silencing transcription factor, which recruits HDAC1, HDAC2, and MeCP2 and will be discussed in more detail in the following. Over the past ten years, our understanding of epigenetics has significantly increased PubMed ID: as a result of many seminal studies, such as the discovery of histone demethylases and work on the genome-wide distribution of acetylation and methylation marks in human cell lines. Many of the results are continuously added to databases such as Ensembl and UCSC, and efforts are underway to sequence the epigenome to create DNA methylation and histone modification maps for as many different cell types as possible. There has also been a surge in research investigating epigenetic mechanisms in the nervous system with a significant literature on memory and synaptic plasticity and the emergence of a whole new field dubbed “behavioral epigenetics”. In chronic pain, three main areas of epigenetic control can be identified based on the work to date and will be discussed below. Epigenetic Regulation of Peripheral Inflammation As explained previously, the importance of inflammatory mediators in the establishment of many pain conditions is well recognized. Equally, there is quite a thorough literature on epigenetic influences in the inflammatory process. Histone deacetylase inhibitorscompounds that prevent the removal of acetyl groups from histonescan ameliorate symptoms in a number of animal models of inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis, colitis, and hepatitis. Moreover, significant clinical benefits of an HDAC inhibitor have been observed against both arthritic and painful components of juvenile idiopathic arthritis, albeit in an open-label trial. The effects of these compounds are believed to be mediated in part through suppression of cytokines, with their administration having been shown to reduce expression of many crucial proinflammatory Neuron. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2014 April 23. Denk and McMahon Page 5 mediators, including IL-1 and TNF. In turn, binding of these same proinflammatory factors to their receptors can also harness epigenetic processes. Thus, interleukin and TNF receptor activation results in H4 hyperacetylation of many other inflammatory promoters through the action of the transcription factor NF-B and its subunits p50 and p65. Similarly, H3k4 methylation via methyltransferase SET7/9 can affect recruitment of NF-B to proinflammatory genes. The peripheral mechanisms underpinning chronic inflammatory pain states are controlled by these same mediators and involve action of both glial and neuronal NF-B, making it likely that similar epigenetic processes are at play. Europe PMC Funders Author Manuscripts Europe PMC Funders Author Manuscripts Epigenetic Gene Regulation in Pain Processing Three epigenetic factors have so far been uncovered that can influence expression of nociceptive genes in chronic pain states. These are histone acetylation, DNA methylation, and REST. Pharmacological interference with the process of histone acetylation can affect pain behavior, with both systemic and intrathecal administration of HDAC inhibitors having analgesic effects in models of inflammatory pain. In one study, this effect

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Author: Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors