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Nce to meta-analyses/selected systematic evaluations EffectJ gen Rehm et al.Oesophagus cancerOesophageal cancer (411)Stomach cancerStomach cancer (414)C16 16.9, D00.2, D13.1, D37.1cDetrimentalColon and rectum cancerColon and rectum cancer (441)C18 21.9, D01.0-D01.3, D12-D12.9, D37.3 37.5cDetrimentalLiver cancerLiver cancer (417)C22 22.9, D13.4cCausality: IARC, 2010; 2012 [145,146]: sufficient proof for AIC316 supplier carcinogenicity in humansb R-7128 custom synthesis Meta-analysis: Corrao et al., 2004 [170]; Bagnardi et al., 2015 [169] CRA calculations: Bagnardi et al., 2015 [169] Causality: IARC, 2010; 2012 [145,146]: sufficient proof for PubMed ID: carcinogenicity in humansb Meta-analysis: Corrao et al., 2004 [170]; Bagnardi et al., 2015 [169] CRA calculations: Bagnardi et al., 2015 [169] Causality: IARC, 2012 [146]: almost certainly carcinogenic in humansb Meta-analysis: Bagnardi et al., 2015 [169] CRA calculations: Bagnardi et al., 2015 [169]; pancreatic cancer has been incorporated in some CRA calculations exactly where the threshold was set to include `probably carcinogenic’ Causality: IARC, 2010; 2012 [145,146]: adequate evidence for carcinogenicity in humansb Meta-analysis: Corrao et al., 2004 [170]; Bagnardi et al., 2015 [169] CRA calculations: Bagnardi et al., 2015 [169] Causality: IARC, 2010; 2012 [145,146]: neither enough proof nor probably carcinogenic in humansb Meta-analysis: Bagnardi et al., 2015 [169] CRA calculations: not relevant, as not however established as causal pathway Causality: IARC, 2010; 2012 [145,146]: adequate evidence for carcinogenicity in humansbDetrimentalPancreatic cancerPancreatic cancer (456)C25 25.9, D13.six 13.7cDetrimental?2017 The Authors. Addiction published by John Wiley Sons Ltd on behalf of Society for the Study of Addiction.Larynx cancerLarynx cancer (423)C32 32.9, D02.0, D14.1, D38.0cDetrimentalTrachea, bronchus and lung cancerTracheal, bronchus, and lung cancer (426)C33 34.92, D02.1 02.three, D14.2 14.32, D38.1cDetrimentalFemale breast cancerBreast cancer (429)DetrimentalAddiction, 112, 968?(Continues)Table 2. (Continued)Illness category C50 50.929, D05 05.92, D24 24.9, D48.six 48.62, D49.three, N60 60.99c C17 17.9, C3 31.9, C37 38.eight, C4 41.9, C47 5, C51 52.9, C57 57.8, C58 58.0, C60 60.9, C63 63.8, C66 66.9, C68.0 68.eight, C69 7, C74 75.eight, D07.four, D09.two 09.22, D13.two 13.39, D14.0, D15 16.9, D28.0 28.1, D28.7, D29.0, D30.2 30.22, D30.4 30.eight, D31 33.9, D35 36, D36.1 36.7, D37.2, D38.2 38.5, D39.two, D39.eight, D41.two 41.three, D42 43.9, D44.1 44.8, D45 45.9, D47 47.0, D47.2 47.9, D48.0 48.4, D49.6, D49.81, K31.7, K62.0 62.1, K63.five, N84.0 84.1 E10 ten.11, E10.3 11.1, E11.three 12.1, E12.three 13.11, E13.3 14.1, E14.three 14.9, P70.0 70.two, R73 73.9 Causality: Howard et al., 2004 [188] Meta-analyses: Baliunas et al., 2009 [191]; Knott et al., 2015 [192]; Li et al., 2016 [193]; also there had been intervention studies with mixed benefits [194,195] CRA calculations: Baliunas et al., 2009 [191]; currently in revision Too diverse a category to establish any causal pathways from alcohol as a complete or to quantify any risk-relations; thus, this category is not going to be quantified as a cause of death or morbidity category causally impacted by alcohol. Meta-analyses: a lot of meta-analyses with similar final results (for an overview see Shield et al., 2016 [151]) CRA calculations: Bagnardi et al., 2015 [169] DetrimentalGBD 2015 Bring about Name (Lead to ID) [354] ICD?0 codes for cause of deatha Causality and reference to meta-analyses/selected systematic testimonials EffectOther neoplasmsOther neoplasms (488)Diabetes mellit.Nce to meta-analyses/selected systematic critiques EffectJ gen Rehm et al.Oesophagus cancerOesophageal cancer (411)Stomach cancerStomach cancer (414)C16 16.9, D00.two, D13.1, D37.1cDetrimentalColon and rectum cancerColon and rectum cancer (441)C18 21.9, D01.0-D01.three, D12-D12.9, D37.3 37.5cDetrimentalLiver cancerLiver cancer (417)C22 22.9, D13.4cCausality: IARC, 2010; 2012 [145,146]: enough proof for carcinogenicity in humansb Meta-analysis: Corrao et al., 2004 [170]; Bagnardi et al., 2015 [169] CRA calculations: Bagnardi et al., 2015 [169] Causality: IARC, 2010; 2012 [145,146]: sufficient evidence for PubMed ID: carcinogenicity in humansb Meta-analysis: Corrao et al., 2004 [170]; Bagnardi et al., 2015 [169] CRA calculations: Bagnardi et al., 2015 [169] Causality: IARC, 2012 [146]: likely carcinogenic in humansb Meta-analysis: Bagnardi et al., 2015 [169] CRA calculations: Bagnardi et al., 2015 [169]; pancreatic cancer has been incorporated in some CRA calculations exactly where the threshold was set to include things like `probably carcinogenic’ Causality: IARC, 2010; 2012 [145,146]: sufficient evidence for carcinogenicity in humansb Meta-analysis: Corrao et al., 2004 [170]; Bagnardi et al., 2015 [169] CRA calculations: Bagnardi et al., 2015 [169] Causality: IARC, 2010; 2012 [145,146]: neither adequate evidence nor possibly carcinogenic in humansb Meta-analysis: Bagnardi et al., 2015 [169] CRA calculations: not relevant, as not yet established as causal pathway Causality: IARC, 2010; 2012 [145,146]: adequate proof for carcinogenicity in humansbDetrimentalPancreatic cancerPancreatic cancer (456)C25 25.9, D13.6 13.7cDetrimental?2017 The Authors. Addiction published by John Wiley Sons Ltd on behalf of Society for the Study of Addiction.Larynx cancerLarynx cancer (423)C32 32.9, D02.0, D14.1, D38.0cDetrimentalTrachea, bronchus and lung cancerTracheal, bronchus, and lung cancer (426)C33 34.92, D02.1 02.three, D14.two 14.32, D38.1cDetrimentalFemale breast cancerBreast cancer (429)DetrimentalAddiction, 112, 968?(Continues)Table two. (Continued)Disease category C50 50.929, D05 05.92, D24 24.9, D48.6 48.62, D49.three, N60 60.99c C17 17.9, C3 31.9, C37 38.8, C4 41.9, C47 5, C51 52.9, C57 57.eight, C58 58.0, C60 60.9, C63 63.8, C66 66.9, C68.0 68.eight, C69 7, C74 75.eight, D07.4, D09.2 09.22, D13.2 13.39, D14.0, D15 16.9, D28.0 28.1, D28.7, D29.0, D30.two 30.22, D30.4 30.eight, D31 33.9, D35 36, D36.1 36.7, D37.2, D38.two 38.5, D39.2, D39.eight, D41.two 41.three, D42 43.9, D44.1 44.8, D45 45.9, D47 47.0, D47.2 47.9, D48.0 48.4, D49.6, D49.81, K31.7, K62.0 62.1, K63.5, N84.0 84.1 E10 ten.11, E10.three 11.1, E11.three 12.1, E12.three 13.11, E13.3 14.1, E14.three 14.9, P70.0 70.2, R73 73.9 Causality: Howard et al., 2004 [188] Meta-analyses: Baliunas et al., 2009 [191]; Knott et al., 2015 [192]; Li et al., 2016 [193]; in addition there were intervention studies with mixed final results [194,195] CRA calculations: Baliunas et al., 2009 [191]; currently in revision Also diverse a category to establish any causal pathways from alcohol as a entire or to quantify any risk-relations; therefore, this category will not be quantified as a cause of death or morbidity category causally impacted by alcohol. Meta-analyses: numerous meta-analyses with similar outcomes (for an overview see Shield et al., 2016 [151]) CRA calculations: Bagnardi et al., 2015 [169] DetrimentalGBD 2015 Result in Name (Trigger ID) [354] ICD?0 codes for cause of deatha Causality and reference to meta-analyses/selected systematic testimonials EffectOther neoplasmsOther neoplasms (488)Diabetes mellit.

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Author: Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors