Product Name :
SEEBRIGHT® Mounting Medium with DAPI
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Use/Stability :
Antifade mounting medium with DAPI counterstain minimizes photobleaching of several fluorophores, dyes and fluorescent proteins. Unique antifade formulation inhibits rapid photobleaching of fluorescent proteins and fluorescent dyesReady-to-use non-hardening formulationIncludes DAPI counterstain at 1.5 µg/mlRefractive index: 1.878557-19-8 Purity 45 SEEBRIGHT® Mounting Medium with DAPI is an antifade reagent that minimizes photobleaching. Use of the mounting medium significantly extends the lifetime of fluorescent signals. The inclusion of DAPI allows for staining of the nucleus.All fluorescent dyes fade (photobleach) when exposed to excitation light. The amount of photobleaching depends on the composition of the molecule and the time of light exposure. SEEBRIGHT® Mounting Medium with DAPI can be used to prevent photobleaching and prolong fluorescent signals. This formulation contains 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), which serves as a nuclear or chromosomal counterstain that produces a blue fluorescence when bound to DNA. SEEBRIGHT® Mounting Medium with DAPI is compatible with many dyes, including Enzo’s SEEBRIGHT® Fluorescently-Labeled dUTPs.
Additional Information :
| Quantity Each vial of SEEBRIGHT® Mounting Medium with DAPI contains 200 µL sufficient for 20 tests (ENZ-GEN420-0020) or 1000 µL sufficient for 100 tests (ENZ-GEN420-0100).90365-57-4 site Apply mounting medium to the sample area as desired.PMID:30888937 | Technical Info / Product Notes SEEBRIGHT® Mounting Medium with DAPI is recommended for use on fixed cells and tissues that have been stained with fluorescent dyes or hybridized with fluorescent probes. Cells can be viewed immediately, or stored in the dark at 4°C. SEEBRIGHT® Mounting Medium with DAPI is a non-hardening formula. Hence, slides with coverslips can be stored unsealed or coverslips can be sealed around their perimeter using nail polish or a plastic sealant.DAPI excites at about 360 nm and emits at about 460 nm. DAPI is a mutagen and appropiate precautions should be taken.